Npi Number With Area Code 858

Npi number with area code 858 – The National Provider Identifier (NPI) with area code 858 plays a crucial role in the healthcare industry, providing a unique identification system for healthcare providers. This article delves into the intricacies of NPI numbers with area code 858, exploring their significance, distribution, and applications in the realm of healthcare.

With a focus on area code 858, we’ll delve into the geographical region it encompasses, the prevalence of NPI numbers within that region, and the distribution of these numbers across various healthcare specialties. We’ll also examine the process of obtaining an NPI number with area code 858, highlighting the responsible organizations and providing guidance on the application process.

National Provider Identifier (NPI) Overview

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The National Provider Identifier (NPI) is a unique 10-digit number assigned to healthcare providers in the United States. It is used to identify providers in healthcare transactions, including claims processing, enrollment, and referrals.

NPIs with area code 858 often belong to healthcare providers in the San Diego area. If you’re looking for a spirited rendition of the Alpha Phi Omega toast song, you can find one online here . This popular toast is a staple at Alpha Phi Omega events, and its lyrics are sure to inspire camaraderie and a sense of community.

Back to the topic of NPIs, remember to check the area code when verifying the location of a healthcare provider.

Structure and Format

An NPI number consists of two parts: a six-digit prefix and a four-digit suffix. The prefix is assigned by the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES), and the suffix is assigned by the provider’s state or territory.

Role in Healthcare Transactions

The NPI is used in a variety of healthcare transactions, including:

  • Claims processing
  • Enrollment
  • Referrals
  • Provider directories
  • Quality reporting

The NPI helps to ensure that providers are uniquely identified and that their information is accurate and up-to-date.

NPI Numbers with Area Code 858

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The area code 858 is associated with the city of San Diego, California. It is part of the San Diego metropolitan area, which includes the counties of San Diego, Imperial, and Riverside.

As of 2023, there are over 20,000 NPI numbers with area code 858. These numbers are distributed across a wide range of healthcare specialties, including:

Distribution of NPI Numbers with Area Code 858 Across Different Healthcare Specialties

  • Physicians (over 10,000)
  • Dentists (over 2,000)
  • Nurses (over 1,500)
  • Pharmacists (over 1,000)
  • Other healthcare providers (over 5,000)

Examples of NPI Numbers with Area Code 858: Npi Number With Area Code 858

Npi number with area code 858

The following table provides examples of NPI numbers with area code 858, along with corresponding provider information. These examples represent various healthcare specialties to demonstrate the range of NPI numbers assigned within this area code.

Sample NPI Numbers with Area Code 858

NPI Number Provider Name Provider Type Provider Address
1234567890 John Doe, MD Physician 123 Main Street, San Diego, CA 92101
2345678901 Jane Smith, RN Nurse 456 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008
3456789012 ABC Medical Group Medical Group 789 Pine Street, Encinitas, CA 92024
4567890123 XYZ Pharmacy Pharmacy 1011 Palm Avenue, Del Mar, CA 92014

Methods for Obtaining an NPI Number with Area Code 858

Npi number with area code 858

Obtaining an NPI number is a straightforward process designed to facilitate efficient identification and communication within the healthcare industry. Several organizations are authorized to issue NPI numbers, and the process involves submitting an application that meets specific criteria.

To obtain an NPI number with area code 858, you must reside or have a principal business address within the geographic region served by the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES). The NPPES is the central repository for NPI numbers and is responsible for assigning and maintaining them.

Applying for an NPI Number with Area Code 858

The application process for an NPI number with area code 858 can be completed online through the NPPES website. The application requires you to provide basic information about your practice, including your name, address, and contact details. You will also need to select the appropriate taxonomy codes that best describe the services you provide.

Once you have completed the application, it will be reviewed by the NPPES. If your application is approved, you will be issued an NPI number within 10 business days. The NPI number will be unique to your practice and will remain valid for the duration of your practice.

Benefits and Uses of NPI Numbers with Area Code 858

NPI numbers, including those with area code 858, offer numerous advantages in the healthcare industry. They facilitate seamless communication and accurate identification of healthcare providers, leading to enhanced efficiency and accuracy in healthcare transactions.

NPI numbers streamline healthcare processes by creating a unique identifier for each provider. This eliminates confusion caused by duplicate or similar names, ensuring that medical records and transactions are accurately associated with the correct provider.

Improved Healthcare Efficiency

  • NPI numbers expedite the processing of insurance claims, reducing administrative burdens and delays.
  • They simplify the exchange of patient information between healthcare providers, enabling timely and coordinated care.
  • NPI numbers facilitate the tracking of patient outcomes and healthcare quality measures, supporting data-driven decision-making.

Enhanced Healthcare Accuracy, Npi number with area code 858

  • NPI numbers minimize errors in patient identification, reducing the risk of misdiagnosis or incorrect treatment.
  • li>They ensure that patient records are linked to the appropriate provider, preventing duplicate or fragmented medical histories.

  • NPI numbers promote transparency and accountability in healthcare transactions, reducing the potential for fraud and abuse.

Examples of NPI Number Usage

NPI numbers are used in various healthcare transactions, including:

  • Electronic health records (EHRs)
  • Insurance claims processing
  • Patient referrals
  • Quality reporting
  • Provider directories

Future Trends and Developments in NPI Numbers with Area Code 858

Npi number with area code 858

The future of NPI numbers with area code 858 holds promising advancements as technology continues to shape the healthcare landscape. Several trends are expected to influence their usage and impact.

Technological advancements, such as the widespread adoption of electronic health records (EHRs) and interoperability standards, will play a significant role in streamlining the exchange of patient health information. NPI numbers will remain crucial in facilitating secure and efficient data sharing among healthcare providers, payers, and other stakeholders.

Opportunities for Further Research and Development

  • Exploring innovative methods for assigning and managing NPI numbers to ensure efficient and error-free processes.
  • Investigating the potential for using NPI numbers in conjunction with other identification systems, such as biometrics, to enhance patient safety and prevent fraud.
  • Developing tools and resources to support healthcare providers in obtaining and maintaining NPI numbers, including online portals and automated verification systems.

Helpful Answers

What is an NPI number?

An NPI number is a unique 10-digit identifier assigned to healthcare providers in the United States. It is used to identify providers in electronic healthcare transactions.

How can I obtain an NPI number with area code 858?

You can apply for an NPI number through the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) website or by contacting the NPPES call center.

What are the benefits of using an NPI number?

NPI numbers improve healthcare efficiency and accuracy by streamlining provider identification and reducing errors in healthcare transactions.